Tag Archives: journey

Why Did I Let It Happen?


Mo- ments drawn out of past calamities to painful to forget but easy to remember the caution of not repeating.
Stretched out imagination pinning for an influence to drunk out to respond. 
Tortured thoughts of flash scenes not the thing of the pleasant flash mobs.
“How did I get myself here? ”
“Why did I allow it to happen?”

Guarding My Heart [An Alphabet Poem]

Don"t play with my heart

Source: aliirfaan.deviantart.com

An array of thoughts

Babbling through my ever so

Cautious mind. Should I

Delve into your world of

Erupting crazy

Fissure red-hot emissions or slide through to the

Glaciers on the other side of

Halt to the three four?

Inquiry mind of mine

Just needs to

Know am I as appreciated as your

Lust, love:

Makes it seem.

Nodding your head in the heat

Of passion does not

Provide a justified answer.

Questions I do have the

Right to ask for my heart


To keep me safe and for the sanity of my thoughts

Urging me to dissect the

Very deep core of your

Wavering attitude. I will

X-ray every emotion, every

Yearning my heart, my body gives before I get to that

Zone of comfort.

Cinderella Blessing


Positive Thinking

When cinders from all the dust

soils your clothes, food and mood

do what you must

to stay level-headed cool.

Smile inside even if it does not

crack to your mouth.

Do not allow that crippling rot,

filling your heart with a drouth

decaying all chances of future joy.

Hold on to the hope of the Cinderella blessing,

where the  glass slipper melts away all stressing.

The silver lining is around the corner

so pick up your persistent armour.

A poem encouraging all (myself included) to hold on to faith that circumstances will change for the better. My contribution for Jackie’s  Thinking Corner encouraging all to inspire positive thinking.

Choked Up [Prose Poetry]


ÁWá photograph via Wikimedia.org

So much to write about but nothing to say, well it is plenty in sight.
However,My heart is choke with emotions to heartbreaking to poke through. The veins of story flowing to  heart felt pulse sowing into arteries for disposal of much needed relief. My mind screams the dreams that never open like a flower on the off set of spring.

Positive Thinking
Even when you have doubts, take that step. Take chances. Mistakes are never a failure—they can be turned into wisdom.
You did the unthinkable and you think that your world has ended, life is unbearable. I walked that path before and I learned to lift up my head, starting from a crawl until I am running back to living. It hurts now, you feel your heart shattered into a trillion pieces of suffocating misery. Guess what – time will lessen the pain if you show determination to walk with a renewed heart. Transform your thinking, chop away every and anything that allows doubts to cripple  into your recovery. This is for you. You are important, do it for you.

A post for My Thinking Corner, a motivating spread of inspiration at Jackie’s corner.

Moving Ahead: My Thinking Corner

Happy 15th Birthday Wikipedia



Happy 15th birthday to dear ole Wikipedia.

I am grateful for all those 8 years, you helped me.

My lecturers said we could not quote your work

Because anyone and everyone writes your post.

I understood their views on credibiliy however

Wikipedia you explain so many subjects in a

Simple manner. When I could not understand so many

other, I understood you.

So cheers to you for many years and my frequent visits to

your page.

Surviving Malicious Gossip




I will keep my head up and when my chin starts drooping, I will slap it back into location.


When their words fly darts of Pit Bull viciousness, I will smile in my heart because I know even if  he is silent, my God sees everything.


Even when the temptation to respond raises quick like the cheetah out for a meal, I bite my tongue to keep my storm at bay.


I am encouraged by the words of the Good Book, I  find comfort in knowing that nothing is wrong with me because scores attack.


Attack with their matching red coated armies  because I decide to wait for sex. It is my decision and if I perhaps  change course in the future, it is still my decision.


So I live to raise another day because of the mercies of God not to rage holy war with anyone but to live peacefully with all men.


Not because I am afraid because I have two blood mix that can shut down these fool but because God has done a number on my heart.


I am not cantankerous, needy and hiding under a cloak of much needed attention (that is the issue with many motor mouths), so quarrelling does not appeal to my nature.


May God deal with them.


Prompt Stomp Week 14: Survival


Superhero Submerge

Super hero

Superhero Jesus by Deus- Nocte via Deviant.com

“You my hero, you already saved the day”

A sentence jumping into my thoughts when I saw the theme for the first Prompt Stomp of 2016. The line is from Trip Lee’s Hero Invasion, a song I listened to so much at university. It definitely made me pause to an extent that I stopped everything, staring at the wall. Reflecting. Thinking of a time that Jesus was my superhero and no matter what circumstance occurred, he was the one to my rescue. It was a true description of “the solid rock” because with him I felt an anchor.  Some call him an imaginary friend but I never had those, I have characters from stories as friends but I cannot recall having imaginary friends. He was real like the characters from stories.

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