Monthly Archives: Mar 2013

Oh My Love…I’ve Been Waiting



The thunder rented the heavens,
The lightning flashing such dazzling light,
I posed
It is my camera.
I waited with bated breath,
I have waited all day for this.
There it is!
It came crashing down with fiery!
ooh, it is exciting.
The aroma is fresh and sweet,
The wind wrapping caressing arms around me as the thunder protested in jealousy.
Its coolness envelopes me…
I have waited all day for you my sweet love.
The thunder is really angry now but the lightning is enjoying the scene.
I am making a note to ask for all negatives later,
I do not want evidence left.

Stop the Bullshit



They say silence is gold but I will take the plastic.
Just say something to me.
I need for you to go first and I will go second and make it right.

It is tiring going around in circles.
I have done it before and I do not want to do it again.
I write most of what I think.
Boldness is not part of my vocabulary.

This is insanity.
I do not need to add more drama to my 90210 life.
All I want is to breath in peace but every time I get the lead in life’s lame play.

Left Alone


It was a cold, dark and scary night, I was alone at home which overlooked Manchesterville. The mansion was quiet, so quiet that I could hear myself thinking aloud. The huge grandfather clock in the large sitting room was doing its usual jazz music but the jazz was quite monotonous at the moment. It was so quiet that every time a rat passed by, my heart skipped five beats. I sat on my favourite sofa in the living room and switched channel after channel to find something interesting to watch but there was none. Slowly and helplessly I dragged myself to the huge French window facing the north of the estate, littered with natural shrubbery. As I looked outside I realized that grey clouds were quickly covering the sky, casting scary shadows on the ground beneath. It seemed like it would rain soon.
Suddenly, I heard a muffle noise outside in the bushes beneath the window. Startled in fright, I turned to run upstairs to my room when I heard another muffle noise coming from the bushes. My heart quivered as horrifying scenes flowed through my mind.

“What made that disturbance?” I thought.
“Maybe it was my Baxter, my adorable dog who probably got stuck in the hedge after his rabbit chase,” I muttered.

Summoning courage, I took my huge black coat that Grandma Laurel Beerch gave me for my birthday, sliding outside to investigate the noise.

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You should read this and tell me if you do not smell, feel, taste and touch. I like!

Kristen Hope Mazzola


All senses tingling

the salt water plays on my lips

my hair drips as I come alive

my medication is this, so pure and clean

sand under, soft and calm

the waves are a lulliby, soothing and sweet

tendering caressing as the sun glisense down

running over golden brown

paradise won as God’s country comes into view

blinding rays dance in the smoldering heat

here is my medicine, so pure and simple

here my mind is free as salt water stings my lips

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The Quarrelsome Family

Quarrelsome Family


Quiet is invalid in this house.
Unity is uncommon in this household.
Audacity is a subject of great importance,
Row-row an aka in my language.
Reality is defiant in this domain.
Exaggeration is always a must.
Love! Oh my! Is this present?
Sincerity! What! I’m not hearing you.
Omission now that is great.
Mercy I doubt that,
Everlasting peace, now that is ironic.

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Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts


Million thoughts are rambling on at the speed of an atom of Diaspora – [the world of Greg Egan] – in my mind.
My concentration feels prostituted, touched by every fleeting idea.
Why is it I cannot focus on the task at hand but make space for daydreaming?
I feel my brain cells coloured with ridiculous premises that the heart dares to send.
How could my heart betray me?
She is selling my emotions to my source of reason, eager for the taste of a thrill.
A cheap thrill!
Nothing makes sense any more; everything is in code, translated through numbers.
Is it on purpose? I do not usually speak numbers; my thought process shuts down at the sight of numbers.

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