Tag Archives: Jesus

šŸ’A Pursuit of LovešŸ’


LORD you love me, always have and ALWAYS will.
Cascade like a downpour, your Holy Spirit waterfall on me.
You favour me, you favour meee, you will not let me be.
A love so great, you gave your one only son to face death, so that a spiritual expiration I will not fulfill.
Every la-sh, every stroke of my sin, Lord you inhale into your blood.
Absorbing my every wrong, a rushing flood
of my lies that dew your eyes as you plea to your father,
if he would rather not let you suffer.
Yet you persisted in carrying my heavy load, an entanglement
of unequal yokes oxen to relentless pursuits of I shouldnots
but I still tangled.
Yet you pardoned.
Charges Acquitted.

Move Over Boaz



I know, I know you are wondering who is this silly person who is questioning the beloved Boaz. So many believers like very much the character Boaz because of Ruth. Saying “oh hold on your Boaz is around the corner.”

Can I be frank?

Urghhhhh! This Boaz talk makes me cringe so much! Is Boaz the only eligible man from the bible? What is so attractive about Boaz? Is it his caring nature towards a woman: he felt his heart-strings tugged every time she came to his fields. Or is it because he was an older man with a larger purse! Now be honest, for all those woman who is waiting for their “Boaz,” what is attractive about him.

There are many other quality men from the bible that I hear many people admire in other circumstances but when dating and marriage comes up, so many want a Boaz.

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Why is Jesus so “Hot?”


Jesus: Is he attractive? poetry


Flipping through books, clicking through pages.

I am reading about the Saviour, you know the one ‘they’ said was born on December 25th.

The images for his face is similar to what I remember as a young-in.

Time has changed and people with it but the looks of Jesus remains the same.

Botox has nothing on that well chisel gentle face.

Why is hair so long and smooth to match his face?

How can Jesus look up staring at me through the cyber world with piercing eyes that echoes everything and nothing in my heart.

Who ever said this is how Jesus should look like.

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Paging God, Paging Dr. Jesus


From dotonline.pbworks.com

From dotonline.pbworks.com

Bills as tall as Mount Everest,
Money as low as the Dead Sea.
[Scratch that because the money is not following so there is no point juxtaposing it with a sea].

Bills as tall as Mount Everest,
Money as low as Death Valley.
Life is begging for a change from that decay,
A feeling of sinking rust, Titanic.
Thirsty to drink from that Living Fountain but he beckons me no more.
I am knocking on the door, fist clench, knuckle sore with pleading.
I thought you told me “…knock and it shall be opened to you.”
Then why a

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My Journey


My Journey



I have theĀ  earnest wish to do better

I must endure unto the end

And IĀ  am saved.

I should always be good but it is my faith in Christ

As my personal saviour grants me salvation, for my

Bible tells me so.

Many times I wonder, actually ponder, really, really ponder whether I am at the point that God desires me.
There are so many tsunamis that are flooding my bloodstream with anti-Christ DNA.

The earthquakes are trembling, shaking and jolting my understanding to make me forget the word.

The volcanoes are corrupting my core into ashes.

Kindling burning flames into places that are not ready, ready to consumed.

As for the hurricane, it is ripping its devastating winds through my existence.

It is threatening to erase the contractĀ  between Christ and myself

But I am holding on, not on my own but I am letting Jesus sail my ship.

Into any unchartered waters I roam he will steer me through.