Tag Archives: BOOKS

Top 10 brothers and sisters in fiction by Sarah Ward/ The Guardian


Sarah Ward says:

The following books represent the best portrayals I know of these distinctive relationships. They focus not only on the blood ties between the characters but also throw a spotlight on how children are regarded by their society. The novels show that habits formed in our early years can shape all subsequent relationships – and how powerful a childhood bond is when viewed from an adult perspective.

Click this link to read the article.

Mark of Distinction, Jessica Dotta [A Book Review]


Although the language skill which blew me over in book one was not so forceful in book two, the character development left me emotional hence involved. I disliked Mr. Macy in book one but in book two based on the behaviour of other characters namely Foresterre and Lord Pierson, I wondered at times if he is that terrible. My beloved Edward left me with a bitter taste at the end of the story. I am not sure if I am ready to forgive Jessica Dotta[aka JD]
for writing Edward in such manner that his outcome with Julia left me bland. This is what I wanted at the ending of book one BUT the author threw in Issac Dalcy she sugar painted him and left him for the vultures. I feel like weeping. 

Why did the JD threw in that religious conversion with such an awkward twist?

Why did she pen Julia into more of a frustration who I highly suspect behind her so call humble facade is a spoilt bitchy weakling ensemble that urghhh left me screaming! Forgive me but I just need to understand what is JD rationale for Julia. She is hot one minute, then she is cold. One minute Edward is her beloved, next Mr. Macy’s touch has her flustered and then she might consider Issac Dalcy but ohhh nooo, her beloved Edward. Remember that scene in Tangle where the girl is happy that guy frees her from the tower, she is skipping around and in a blink she is mourning she did something bad but then the next minute she is back to skipping. This is Julia. 

But I supposed it is a human trait but it is frustrating!

Let us dwell on the introduction and disappearance of characters such as Ben and Erasmus. What the hell, JD just threw that in the story and BAP, move along folks.


I am frustrated with Jessica Dotta for book two BUT the way she panned out the events still needs me to read book three to complete the story.

What Makes You Feel Good?


I want to focus on a feel good awesomeness, something to spread the pleasantries all around. We cannot let the bad win all the time, we have to light up the internet and specifically WordPress [since it our internet home]. You know that Pharrell song which hopefully makes everyone smile or the Smile song by Kirk Franklin which uplifts my spirit. We are coming from the weekend and I thought why not share some of the things which makes me feel good.


Yessssssss, one of the times I feel the greatest is when I wake from a beautiful comforting sleep especially waking before my alarm from a lovely dream. I have not come across  much  better than sleep.

2. Cold Shower

I thank you Lord for water, I thank you for cold water in particular especially after a hot day. It makes me feel alive, fresh and I always do a twirl around my room :). Honestly I feel privilege for that experience everyday especially when I see documentaries of people with no water,it breaks my heart.

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Top New 2015 Authors| Top 5 Wednesday


Top 5 Wednesday
Happy Wednesday dear readers and welcome to another Top 5 Wednesday, covering the top new authors that I discovered so far for the year. I share with you the authors who I am most impressed by their writing style, I have enjoyed their stories and will definitely make an effort to read more of their work in the future. If you are interested in joining us Wednesday-ers, come on over to the Goodreads Group.

Let us dive into it:
Jessica Dotta

A Book Review
I read Born of Persuasion, first book in Price of Privilege Trilogy and I am immensely impressed. In a long time I have not read a book with some much hunger for more. Her metaphors, personification and other literary devices are out of this world. She is one author I am definitely looking forward to reading more of her stories.

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