Tag Archives: Self Love

Evaluate Your Life [Prose Poetry]


Evaluate Your Life Day

What do you do when you HATE your job but you cannot quit because you need to eat? The job pays your bills and saves your independence. To resign means to redesign my aims to always work. What do you do when the economy is so jacked up, that you feel blessed even with a hacked up job because there are several persons with no work yet a family to feed. However, you have those emotional battles everyday that devotionals cannot help to wake an excitement to seize the bull by the horn, contributing towards society. Sitting at a desk and literally feeling brain cells dying because you are sighing over completed tasks in an hour and you wonder what madness that included you in such disarray. A foray of persons having the time of their life, thieving from my complete tasks. Yet no one in management says a word but when I voice that absurd rate at which the work reaches me, I am deemed as uncooperative.

What the fuck I am doing with my life?

Positive Thinking
Even when you have doubts, take that step. Take chances. Mistakes are never a failure—they can be turned into wisdom.
You did the unthinkable and you think that your world has ended, life is unbearable. I walked that path before and I learned to lift up my head, starting from a crawl until I am running back to living. It hurts now, you feel your heart shattered into a trillion pieces of suffocating misery. Guess what – time will lessen the pain if you show determination to walk with a renewed heart. Transform your thinking, chop away every and anything that allows doubts to cripple  into your recovery. This is for you. You are important, do it for you.

A post for My Thinking Corner, a motivating spread of inspiration at Jackie’s corner.

Moving Ahead: My Thinking Corner

Love You


Positive Thinking

If you cannot love yourself who can you love?

If we cannot appreciate God’s creation of ourselves

why do we admire others with such adoration?

Do not be afraid to look directly in the mirror

for at least a minute. Your nose framed this

way for your face. Your eyes slanted in its

unique way for a purpose.

Love your character, if you are not pleased

with its then make a change. Do not be afraid

to celebrate your indelible mark on earth.

You are great, you are awesome, God wants you

here even when your father left you long ago.

Let God be your daddy, he is the source of life,

the provider of all things.

God wants you even if you are a burden to your

mother, he will guide you to an earthly motherly figure

along your journey.

You are wanted, you are needed, if anyone says

otherwise, please do not believe.

Take your eyes off the ground when you are walking.

Lift up your head, you are a prince/princess because

you are a child of an eternal king.

Inspired by my therapy friend Deanne through a conversation about celebrating birthdays. I write this post for Thinking Corner hosted by Jacqueline every week to encourage positive thinking, inspiration and all the good stuff which keeps us sane.


Be You


Be you:
Even when they mock your moral compass. Why should you care how others feel about your decision to stick to a certain sexual orientation.

Be you:
Even when you stand alone on the other side of a crowded street.

Be you:
When they try to mock the little that you have but you know their behaviour indicate your superior.They have their riches but still furious at your rags.

Be you:
Even when they are screaming that you are nothing. You see they want you to be just as them but you decline. Hence their devotion to hate.

Be you:
Even when they set up roadblocks simply to defeat your goal oriented nature but just know one day your persistence will pay off.

Be you:
Even when you feel defeated because the greatest had days they felt like giving up but they kept toiling on, so you just hang on.

Be you:
Even when throwing words for you on the streets is not sufficient, so they find your blog to add more gossip to their buzz.

Be you:
Even when you are the only one who believes in you because if everyone starts favouring you but you question yourself everything is still not A ok. The most powerful and loving person to believe in you is yourself.

Be you:
Even when the universe rings its bell, one day someone in the future will learn from you, you can inspire and teach sleeping in a grave.

Just be you because you are important.