It Warms My Heart #4


It is a very common sight to see people giving graciously during the Christmas/ New Years Season. The homeless people get treated to soup on a colder day and many poorer families receive food and clothes hampers. I applaud anyone who takes time out to give regardless of the motives of the giver. When a hungry child receives a meal, it is a blessing just to see that child belly full and smiling again. It is an unspoken common feeling that when children hurt everyone hurts no matter age, ethnicity and class.

Now I notice a trend that most of the kindly giving takes place, mostly during the festive season. In addition, I notice that more people are nicer during this time, family members patch up quarrels over drinks and food. Drivers are more tolerable of pedestrians and a few store clerks are more pleasant. But why do we limit all those acts of generosity for this time of the year. I say ‘we’ because I am guilty of cocooning from the extended family until big get together etc, so…

I always think, what if we give more throughout the year and guess what some people do not limit their gift giving and time to the holiday season. It is a beautiful and heartwarming thing to see school children visiting the sick and the shut in March because they want to cheer up the folks. Shout out to Brownies, Girl Guides and Boy Scouts and their parents for encouraging the children. Isn’t it heart tugging when families give to the Red Cross for other families who lost everything from a fire or hurricane. I saw Caribbean generosity a few weeks ago when Tropical Storm Erika devastated Dominica. It is true that island still has a
long road of recovery ahead but at least many families have clothes and food to eat.
This weekend please, give, it need not be money or a material thing but you could give your time. It is very valuable. Happy weekending and let me know in the comment section an act of giving which warmed your heart.

One response »

  1. Yesterday I was given a very generous gift. I was visiting a local historical museum/park. It is a familiar place to me, one I travel to for the comfort of the familiarity, and the opportunity to linger over a particular sections. It is also high tourist season where I live, and perhaps not the best time for me to visit, as it will be very busy.

    At the entrance is a volunteer, a gentleman who stands in the sun for hours offering to guide and answer any questions on navigating the park, the history associated with it, or particular exhibits. He greets each individual or group and as I watched, everyone either ignored or nodded and hurried on.
    I stopped to chat and I learned so many details and richly descriptive stories about the area, an area I have visited many times, that I did not know before. He was a wealth of information. When we parted, he thanked me…saying hardly anyone even notices him, and rarely asks any questions.

    Great post.


    • That is sad how everyone rushed by when he has the stories to tell to make their experience so much better. You made his day JoHanna, if he thank you, it most probably touched him. How sweet. I really appreciate your story and I will be even more mindful of attendants for any place I visit.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This post came just at a perfect time to me. Today, I woke up tired and was slugging my way to school, (it’s hard to get a taxi from my street so I have to walk to school) when a rickshaw pulled up beside me and offered to take me to school for free. It warmed my heart because, this was the same guy that once settled a quarrel I had with another rickshaw driver over ridiculous prices.
    Hope it’s not too long 😊


    • He seem good hearted because he solved your other problem with another driver It is lovely that he stepped in especially at a time you were tired. You both will remember the experience.


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