Characters Like Me: Top 5 Wednesday


Top 5 Wednesday

Today May 11th, 2016, we take a look at  ‘Characters You Are Most Like’ for Top 5 Wednesday .  People who I read and felt that connection so deep that every action and reaction became my own. I am killing two birds with one stone with this week book’s meme because I had Yourself In 5 Characters on my to do a list, from Books With Chemistry.

Let us dive into it:

5. Nancy Drew

The adventurous spirit to solve mysteries from a curious mind and getting to the core of the problem. That was me as a girl and younger woman, although less of a self acclaimed detective now, I am still one to create and solve cases.


4.  Jo March

Independent and strong-willed to succeed, to beat the extreme life of poverty. So decided to capitalize on the strong urge to make a life to help her family. We share the same love for books and writing, although I have not meet the heights of Jo’s publishing. Perhaps we both lose our Teddy.

3. Fanny Price

Depends on my setting, I am that timid girl who wishes to sink into the shadows away from a group of people who are loud, manipulative and commanding. There is always a someone in the form of Mrs. Norris who hammers in my inferiority to my opportunities. Fanny and I share the almost same bearing of a moral compass of right and wrong, no it is not an arrogant prude outlook but a willingness to not go against our conscience to live in a way we think fair. I share her level-headed approach to topics and growing mental strength to voice our opinions when called upon. A blossoming flowers under a thorn of bushes.


2. Cinderella (my favourite fairytale)

Labours away at home to please everyone and make sure that peace  stays yet when things go wrong, guess who  gets the blame. The bright side is I am gradually getting my slippers fitting in bit by bit, there is a silver lining at the end of all stormy passages. If you feel covered in cinders (literally or metaphorically) hold to hope that Cinderella’s blessing is around the corner


1. Anne Elliot

Overlooked, undervalued,  emotional, swayed in every direction until she stands for her own when everyone stops hovering. Caring heart but she goes that extra mile than me which makes her even more sweet. Sometimes too passive and needs more spunk to make it through the field of wolves. Loves hard and long perhaps too long with a beauty which radiant from inside to light her outside. Determined, logical thinking which helps resolves possible nightmares. Listens to instincts.



One response »

  1. Oh, so the tag still exists? Lol, guess I never expected it would become so popular. Anyway, I haven’t really read any of the books you listed (I’m only familiar with Cinderella), but it’s still very interesting to see the reasons why you chose those characters: adventurous and independent? Those are traits to admire. Great choices! 😉


    • Awww thank you Vane and yes your tag is alive and well. It is one of those tags that does not limit readers to a particular genre and it is personal, so it will always gain attention. Create so more like that.


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