It Warms My Heart #13: The Actions of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr., showing his medallion received from Mayor Wagner. Image via

January 15th marks the spot,

the spot that place the dot

of a man nurtured for a cause.

Colour, power – could not pause

the work he came to do.


To organise Montgomery bus strike

after Rosa Parks’s arrest.

Result: US Supreme Court said

segregation on buses is illegal.

One step ahead for blacks.

He led peaceful protest in Birmingham.

The city in  May 1963, away they slam

the laws of before which block

Blacks from eating, sitting and talk

where they wish.


Remember the walk on Washington

where 250,000 people marched in August 28, 1963?

Well two years later dear President Lyndon

that is Johnson, agreed

to remove all barriers against black voting rights.


Blacks were happy

but many others were choking with hate.

A hate which led to the assassination of

Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968.

This weekend think of equality for all men.


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