Thinking & More Thinking


ÁWá photograph via

To peek into your mind, just to see how you feel.

To touch your heart , just to feel your thoughts.

I know you remember me, it is not a boast.

For I know I left a touch of forget me not.

The same bloom you left its seed to grow in me.


I think of the visions you planned for yourself

and I wonder if you made any of them a reality.

Watch out Metropolis, a small world is coming through

riding on the train of Expectations, saddling the burden to

end memories of the naïve girl fly away.




Have you learnt the lesson of attachments as yet?

Or are you still walking around with an appearance of

innocent of the fact, of what you can do.

Do you still divert your eyes in fear of someone’s reading gaze?

Or are you the reformed Methodist boy on the settling end?



Tell me was I your…

and my keys fell on Hozier music, every other thought went blank…

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